Puerto Rico Equine Therapy Rehab Centers
Equine therapy has been growing in popularity over the past few decades as patients and professionals have realized the value that can come from pairing people with horses. This type of therapy has been used to treat a wide range of conditions, from developmental disabilities to mental illness to substance abuse. Learn how you can find an equine therapy program in Puerto Rico today.
How Equine Therapy Works
In equine therapy, specially trained therapists will work with patients to help them develop relationships with horses. The patients will participate in activities such as caring for the horse, riding, and directing the horse to do particular things like walk around a ring. Horses are social and responsive creatures, similar to humans, which means that the lessons the patients learn in therapy can be easily translated to the rest of life. As patients develop their relationship with the animals, they will be forced to improve their communication skills and learn how to trust the horse. As the relationship and their skills improve, the patient will also begin to experience confidence in themselves and their abilities.
These skills are particularly helpful for those working to overcome substance abuse disorders because they can help patients resist the temptations to relapse and can help them maintain their sobriety and reintegrate with society.
Drug Use And Equine Therapy In Puerto Rico
Like the United States, Puerto Rico has a pressing problem with mental illness and drug use. The island has a population of just over 3.5 million people and according to a survey conducted by the American Journal of Public Health, an estimated 8.2 percent of the population has used illicit drugs. Concerns for the health and well-being of these patients speak to the need for equine therapy on the island to ensure that all patients have access to the help they need.
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Contact Us To Learn More
Finding the right type of treatment and the best treatment center for patients struggling with substance abuse disorders can feel like a challenge. There are numerous different types of therapy and treatments. Fortunately, those at RehabCenter.net can be excellent for answering questions and learning more about the equine treatment options in Puerto Rico. Contact us to learn more.