Men’s Alcohol And Drug Rehab Centers

Medically reviewed by
Isaac Alexis, M.D., AAMA, AMP-BCJanuary 30, 2019
Rehab centers recognize that there are differences in how men and women handle and overcome an addiction to drugs or alcohol. That is why many facilities offer separate programs based on gender so that individuals can recover free from distraction in a supportive environment.
Substance Abuse Help Is Only Possible When the Addict Desires Change
Doctors have found that when people are addicted to alcohol or drugs, their ultimate success or failure in overcoming their addiction is tied directly to just how much they want success. If someone goes into a rehab center with little actual desire to recover, the probability of a successful treatment decreases greatly. The patient has to want to get better before it can happen.
This is especially important for men who are addicts. One of the reasons why some men tend to relapse after going through rehab is because they weren’t dedicated to their recovery program in the first place. It is sometimes easier for addicts to commit themselves to a program when they feel like they have some control over their recovery agenda.
Specific Techniques Used for Substance Abuse Help Can Give Males an Advantage in Overcoming Addiction
Most drug users seeking help will do best in a rehabilitation center that provides a personalized plan to its patients. Private facilities will sometimes give the addict the option of picking from a range of techniques that prove most effective.
For example, a male client may want an aggressive program. However, the clinic may know that the addict will be more successful if they move more deliberately toward recovery. Under this type of scenario, the private rehab facility may offer an approach that has some aggressive components, but also the required, measured steps that are essential to recovery.
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Addicts Seeking Substance Abuse Help Need Ongoing Support Available at Private Rehab Clinics
Admitting mistakes can be a difficult process for addicts, especially for men. Once the male who’s suffering from substance abuse has come to terms with the mistake that led to his problem in the first place, it’s vital that he doesn’t go back on that admission.
That’s why providing ongoing support post-rehab is so crucial. Men who’ve achieved the initial success of recovery will often need support from the clinic and former addicts to maintain their sobriety. Former addicts will benefit from support groups and/or one-on-one counseling through the rehab facility. Others who’ve gone through rehab may feel more comfortable having ongoing educational options available to them, such as classes.
The first step for the addict, though, is to admit that he needs help. If you’re man enough to look your problem in the face, reach out to us for free information.