Salvia Addiction And The Best Rehab Centers For Treatment

Medically reviewed by
Jennifer Cousineau MSCP, LPCI, NCCFebruary 18, 2019
Salvia is a naturally occurring plant with hallucinogenic properties. The effects of this drug give the user an intense high but wear off quickly. The popularity of this drug is on the rise making it important to know how to determine if a loved one is addicted to Salvia and how to get them the treatment they need.
Salvia (salvia divinorum) is a natural plant with a long history of use by ancient tribes. As part of the mint family, it is commonly found in South America, Central America, and Mexico. Currently, the United States government does not have regulations on this drug, but a few states have their own laws regarding it. Most places will not sell salvia to minors, but getting it is still possible, which makes it an easily obtainable drug of choice.
Addicts abuse this drug in a number of ways, either by eating the seeds, chewing the leaves, smoking dried leaves, or drinking the liquid extract. The effect is short-lived but intense. People use Salvia for its hallucinogenic properties.
Salvia gives the user a distorted sense of reality. Research shows that salvia use has been on the rise and its believed to be as popular as ecstasy and twice as popular as LSD. Yet salvia isn’t much of a social drug; instead, it makes users more philosophical and introverted. Salvia is commonly abused in isolation, or in small groups.
Short-Term Effects Of Salvia
While some consider a hallucinogenic high as harmless, even after just one use, there are many things that could go wrong with salvia. It can cause a person to completely lose contact with reality, and make potentially life-threatening decisions, while under the influence of the drug.
Other effects of salvia may include:
- loss of coordination
- dizziness
- memory loss
- nausea
- headache
- confusion
- anxiety
- paranoia
Synesthesia is another common danger associated with salvia abuse. Synesthesia happens when the brain hears colors and smells sounds, which can cause the user to go into a state of panic.
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Long-Term Effects Of Salvia
There have been very few studies of the long term effects of Salvia, and thus all the complications are not known. The strange thing is that salvia doesn’t react upon serotonin receptors as other hallucinogens do, but rather opioid receptors.
This can often cause the following problems:
- learning difficulties
- suicidal tendencies
Salvia Addiction Treatment
Because so few studies have been conducted, researchers say that salvia has potential for long-term addictive properties, but nothing has been proven yet. Because a salvia trip is so intense, many doctors believe that salvia is used rarely or simply as a one-time experiment.
If a person finds themselves dependent on salvia, many doctors suggest an inpatient or outpatient rehab treatment. Many people who use salvia have faced trauma, or have been diagnosed with depression or bipolar disorder. Some people with a co-occurring mental disorder use salvia as a means of escape and self-medication Co-occurring disorders should be treated at dual-diagnosis centers where each disorder is treated at the same time.
If you or a loved one suffer from an addiction to Salvia, contact us today. We can help you find the rehab services you need to overcome salvia addiction.