60-Day Alcohol And Drug Rehab Centers

Medically reviewed by
Brittany Thompson, MSMFTFebruary 21, 2019
Substance abuse and addiction can be very complicated due to individuals becoming both physically dependent and mentally addicted to drugs and alcohol. Sixty-day inpatient programs are equipped to treat these co-occurring disorders with the use of behavioral therapies and other evidence-based treatment methods.
What Types Of Programs Can I Choose From?
A good drug and alcohol treatment program can be the bridge between a life of loss, hurt, and suffering and one which flourishes within a positive, sober state. Here are some examples of inpatient drug rehab programs which can change your life this way:
- Biophysical
- Dual Diagnosis
- Executive
- LGBTQ Friendly
- Luxury
- Men or Women Only
- Religious
- 12-Step
- Non-12-Step
If you’re considering treatment, either for yourself or someone whom you care about, you may feel uncertain about your options. In order to maximize the potential of a rehab program, it’s important that you compare your needs to what the program offers. This perspective will inform and shape the type and duration of your treatment.
How Do I Know What Type Of Treatment Is Best For Me?
This is a question we hear all the time. And if you or someone you love is challenged by a substance use disorder, chances are it’s echoing in your head too. The type and length of a program define your experience within treatment and influences your opportunity for a successful recovery.
But before we can answer this question, you must evaluate the scope of your addiction and how it results from and affects the state of your life. Ask yourself:
- What drug, or drugs, form the addiction?
- How frequently does this use occur?
- What amount of the drug is being consumed?
- How long has the drug abuse occurred for?
- How are these behaviors affecting your life?
- Is your physical and mental health compromised by the substance use?
- Do you have any co-occurring mental health disorders?
- Do you have a good support system?
As you draw together a treatment plan you should also take in to account your personal, financial, and work obligations. You don’t have to do this on your own. Our comprehensive and confidential assessment enables us to start building a treatment plan for you with these specific concerns in mind.
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Why Should I Choose Inpatient Treatment?
At residential programs, facility staff are on hand and at the ready 24/7 should you feel the urge to use. Within an outpatient program, you don’t get this, a factor which makes relapse far more likely for some individuals. One of the greatest benefits of an inpatient drug rehab program is the fact that it removes you from any temptations, triggers, or people which may lure you back to drug use.
Drug addiction doesn’t exist separate from you life. Negative circumstances within your life can lead to drug abuse, and inversely, drug abuse may foster harmful changes within important areas of your life.
Here are some areas which may be affected these ways:
- Legal
- Medical
- Psychological
- Social
- Vocational
The combined weight of these factors demand integrative, person-centric care. Most outpatient programs do not have the time or format to offer this type of care. Individualized treatment is a critical component of effective drug rehab, as explained by the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA): “Matching treatment settings, interventions, and services to an individual’s particular problems and needs is critical to his or her ultimate success in returning to productive functioning in the family, workplace, and society.”
Why Can’t I Just Go To A Short-Term Rehab Program?
For those who face serious addictions, and especially for those who require a medical detox, a longer inpatient program is in most cases best. Science supports this, as NIDA reminds us: “Research indicates that…the best outcomes occur with longer durations of treatment.”
While shorter, 28-30 day programs are invaluable resources within addiction medicine, they are not for everyone, in every circumstance. Many people do achieve success within this time, however, these shorter, inpatient programs are often better utilized in different ways.
Programs of these lengths are great resources for relapse prevention and treatment or for mild to moderate substance abuse, but 60-day programs are better for serious addictions. Doubling this time gives you double the opportunity to heal, build coping and relapse prevention skills, and grow in countless other ways.
Perhaps you cannot commit to a 90-day program due to financial or personal reasons, but you don’t want to limit your options by choosing a 30-day program. A 60-day drug rehab center meets you in the middle.
What Drugs Of Abuse Need A Medical Detox?
Withdrawal doesn’t occur with every drug of abuse, but for those which form intense physical dependency, symptoms can become severe. These drugs are:
- Alcohol
- Benzodiazepines (Xanax, Klonipin, Ativan, Valium, etc)
- Opioids (Heroin, Morphine, Oxycontin, Vicodin, Dilaudid, etc)
Symptoms of withdrawal vary according to the drug of abuse and the intensity of the addiction.
Why Is It Important To Treat Withdrawal With A Medical Detox?
Withdrawal is at the least uncomfortable, and by and large quite painful. What you may not know is that withdrawal from alcohol and benzodiazepines can be deadly. In the absence of trained, 24-hour medical support, quitting these substances can initiate a severe form of withdrawal known as delirium tremens.
Even if this doesn’t occur, you could still be putting your life at risk. Withdrawing in these vulnerable states increases the probability of relapse, overdose, and death by other forms. These include a heightened suicide risk and drug-induced life-threatening illness and disease (should a person return to substance abuse).
What Happens At A Drug Rehab Center?
The shift from intermittent drug use to full-blown addiction can derail your life. Here, tasks and responsibilities which are elemental to maintaining your self-care, relationships, and social functioning are overcome by the pursuit and use of the drug. The resulting altered brain chemistry also makes you more susceptible to mental and emotional distress, or even mental illness.
The cumulative effect of chronic drug use demands an intense and integrated approach that teaches you how to take care of yourself again. This isn’t always as easy as it sounds, but with our help it is possible. Learning healthy coping skills is a huge part of treatment and a necessity for the time after you leave.
Behavioral therapies offered in an individual, group, and family setting teach you how to reinvest in your life and health. In these sessions, you’ll heal and forge the desire and skills to make positive and long-lasting changes.
Here are some of the best, researched-based therapies used today:
- Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)
- Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT)
- Motivational interviewing (MI)
Along with these, opportunities for mindfulness and stress management practices, adventure and wilderness therapies, art therapy, equine therapy, and more round out your treatment experience.
Should I Travel Out-of-State to Seek Addiction Treatment?
When you decide to get treatment, you want to make sure you’re choosing the best program for your needs. This includes picking a location which is most conducive towards creating a healing, safe space.
Even though you may be able to enroll in a program in your hometown or a short drive away, you might consider traveling farther or even out of state. Though it’s true nearby facilities offer convenience through ease of travel and proximity to your family, this closeness may in certain cases be detrimental.
Being near to people or places which offer you an opportunity to use may increase your odds of relapse. Some individuals may also be more tempted to leave rehab when it gets difficult if home is only a short drive or walk away. If you’re in a program a significant distance away you have a certain level of insulation and protection from these temptations.
How Do I Pay For Treatment?
The price of rehab is dependent on many things. Location, program length and type, amenities, and other factors all influence the cost. Some programs are quite expensive. But before you let the expense of treatment deter you, we’d like to remind you that a lot of options exist beyond paying out of pocket.
If you have health insurance you may have existing coverage for treatment. If this and your personal finances can’t cover the total expenditures, there are still means to examine. Close family and friends may be willing to help. Scholarships and grants, personal loans, financing options, and medical credit cards could help round out your financial resources.
Build A Program That’s Right For You
Are you living a life changed by addiction? If so, don’t continue to live in this downward spiral. The treatment specialists at RehabCenter.net are standing by to offer you a confidential assessment. We’ll connect you to resources, build hope, and create a tailor-made treatment plan just for you. Contact us today.
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