Arkansas Equine Therapy Rehab Centers

If your life in Arkansas is being destroyed by chemical dependency or abuse, maybe it’s time for you to fight back in a way you’d never even considered — by enrolling in a holistic rehab program that includes equine therapy. This brilliant technique assigns patients to horses for a remarkable journey toward new degrees of self-discovery and self-worth for those who need it most.

Arkansas’ Struggles With Substance Abuse And Mental Disorders

Arkansas was the 25th state to join the Union — and by a less-than-happy coincidence, it’s also the state with the 25th highest incidence of drug-related deaths. The number of overdose deaths in the state has roughly doubled since 1999. While some of those deaths were the result of overdoses of illicit drugs, the majority of them were actually attributed to prescription drug abuse. Over 2,800 Arkansas residents reported illicit drug dependence or abuse in the past 12 months, while 8,140 suffered from alcohol dependence or abuse. Sadly, 2,530 of the residents perceived to need treatment for drug problems failed to receive it, along with 7,720 alcohol abusers.

Many of the same individuals who are fighting drugs or alcohol are also fighting some form of mental illness or emotional trauma. These individuals are often treated as “dual diagnosis” patients, receiving the necessary care for both issues at the same time. Substance abuse occurs among a higher percentage of those with mental disorders, partly out of the desire to self-treat the symptoms of anxiety, depression, OCD, dissociative disorder and other conditions.

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The Role Of Equine Therapy

How does equine therapy help people recover from drug and alcohol addiction? Part of it involved replacing old, bad habits with new, healthier ones. The addicted lifestyle depends heavily on routines and rituals, and the daily effort of grooming, saddling, feeding, and otherwise caring for horse substitutes a new and positive regimen. This keeps you busy enough that you have something else to think about than drugging or drinking while satisfying your need for a structured routine. Caring for an animal is also a considerable responsibility — another aspect of healthy behavior that often needs reinforcement to ensure a successful recovery. As you bond with your horse and help him thrive, you’ll also rediscover your capacity to give and receive love so you can connect to others in a meaningful way.

Equine therapy can prove particularly effective for dual diagnosis patients. Interaction with gentle, intelligent animals such as horses can promote patience, focus, and trust while instilling feelings of tranquility and heightened self-worth. It’s no wonder equine therapy is often recommended for people with autism, PTSD, and borderline personality disorder.

Where’s Your Horse? Find Out Today!

If you love the idea of trying equine therapy in addition to ongoing counseling and other treatment methods, then you owe it to yourself to learn more about this technique. Contact us at to get more information and get started finding the ideal equine therapy program for your location and needs!

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