Recreational, Art & Adventure Therapies For Rehab Centers

Medically reviewed by
Dr. Richard Foster, LICDC-CSApril 2, 2019
Struggling with a drug or alcohol addiction can be challenging and draining. When you think of rehab centers, you might envision intensive therapies and be frightened to visit a facility. There is no reason to be afraid. There are many different approaches to therapy to help get you on the right track.
Inpatient rehab facilities are the best option for those struggling with extreme addictions or a long history of drug or alcohol abuse. And while recovery is not always easy, recovery can be an exciting step in your new future. Many programs today offer much more than therapy and detoxification services. Many facilities offer recreational, art, and adventure therapies to help you on your journey of sobriety.
Luxury Rehab Centers
If you have not considered a luxury rehab facility for your addiction, you might want to look into it. Many luxury rehab facilities offer extras, such as: beautiful ocean or scenic mountain views; horseback riding; sports; art or music therapies; golfing; acupuncture; fine dining; and many other activities. Luxury rehab centers are a great fit if you want the finest care while recovering.
Luxury rehab facilities offer more perks than other programs might. These rehab centers are often more expensive than a typical facility, so before signing up for the program, talk with a staff member at the facility you are interested in attending and discuss payment options.
Inpatient Facilities
If a luxury rehab center is not your cup of tea or is out of your budget, there are many fine inpatient facilities that offer art, recreational, and adventure therapies. There are even day programs (such as outpatient programs) that also include recreation and art therapies. It is recognized by most institutions that engaging each individual on multiple levels is one of the best ways to recover.
Healing your mind, body, and spirit is a great step towards living a happy and healthy life. Being involved in an art therapy program or other activities allows the patient to fully embrace their recovery. It can even provide an outlet for joy, anger, sadness or other emotions to be expressed.
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Some programs offer art therapy. The patients might be in a group setting where they have an art or craft to do for the day, such as painting. The patients might then discuss their works of art, and a therapist might give insights into why a patient painted a certain scene or object, which can open up dialogue between group members, the therapist, and patient.
Other group activities might involve members writing positive and encouraging messages to each other. For example, patients might be given mini-mirrors they can write on with markers. They will be encouraged to draw positive images and words. The mirror can then be kept as a reminder of their journey and as a piece of art. And every time the patient looks at the mirror, they can remember how far they have come and be reminded to stay strong.
Art projects like this can be kept as a tangible memento that can help patients remember how far they have come and to stay positive. It can also help remind patients that they are never alone and that others are cheering them on to stay successful in their journey.
Recreation And Work
Some people might be skeptical of recreational therapy. You might wonder how horseback riding, a ropes course, or art therapy could help an individual struggling with an addiction. But recreational therapy is both work and play. Therapists recognize that those struggling from addiction need to develop or sharpen their physical, mental, and emotional skills. Sometimes these methods are taught as ways of coping with emotions such as anxiety, depression, sadness, or anger.
Every activity, whether it is golfing, basketball, music, swimming, kayaking, art, or others, has a purpose. Patients will learn social skills and will learn how to express their emotions effectively as well. If a patient has never tried an activity before, they are given the opportunity to learn something new while in therapy. It’s a win-win situation. They may even want to continue their new hobby or interest after therapy.
Facilities To Look Into
Look for facilities that offer recreational therapies along with other structured programs to help you receive the best care. Search for programs that might have at least one recreational therapist on staff. Or, if you find an inpatient facility that you really like, and they do not offer recreational therapy, ask the program about aftercare facilities.
Aftercare facilities (many are outpatient) are extremely important to your recovery because they help keep you on track. Many aftercare facilities offer recreational or art therapy, too. If you are unsure of whether a program has recreational therapy or not, you can always ask. Not all facilities offer art and recreational therapy, so do not assume that all locations are alike.
Road To Recovery
As Lao Tzu famously wrote, “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” Take that step towards recovery today, and we’ll be with you every step of the way. The road to recovery does not have to be traveled alone. It is not a sprint. It’s a marathon.
We have walked in your shoes, and we understand what you are going through. Reach out to us today, so we can help you with your journey towards recovery. Or if you have more questions about art, recreational, or adventure therapies, we’re here to answer any questions you may have. We’re on the web at We can’t wait to hear from you.