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Vicoprofen Addiction And The Best Inpatient Rehab Centers

Isaac Alexis, M.D., AAMA, AMP-BC

Medically reviewed by

Isaac Alexis, M.D., AAMA, AMP-BC

February 14, 2019

Vicoprofen is a prescription medication belonging to the narcotics class of opioid analgesics. Opioids include prescription drugs such as pain relievers and recreational illicit drugs such as heroin. Vicoprofen is intended for short-term use but when taken longer poses the risk of serious side-effects and addiction.

What Is Vicoprofen?

Vicoprofen is a combination medication. It is comprised of more than one substance used to treat pain—this makes it a strong pain-relieving medication. Vicoprofen contains the narcotic (opioid) hydrocodone and ibuprofen, an anti-inflammatory over-the-counter drug used for minor pain relief. Hydrocodone works like many opioids: it changes the way a person’s body and brain respond to the pain. Ibuprofen helps relieve pain and reduces fever.

Most opioids have highly addictive properties. That is why they are typically prescribed only for a short period of time. Unfortunately, persons taking prescription opioids may become addicted even after a short amount of time. It is important that these drugs are taken as prescribed by the method of administration, dosage, and frequency.

When people abuse opioids like Vicoprofen, they may change the method of administration or take a higher or more frequent dosage. As the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) explains, opioids “are most dangerous and addictive when taken via methods that increase the euphoric effects (‘the high’).” This can include crushing the medication and either snorting or injecting the powder or combining the medication with alcohol or other substances to enhance its effects.

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How Is Vicoprofen Obtained?

While many people are first introduced to prescription opioids through a personal prescription, those abusing opioids may not have to go far to get them. The American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM) states that “people often share their unused pain relievers, unaware of the dangers of nonmedical opioid use.” In fact, most adolescents who have abused prescription opioids obtained them easily through a friend or family member. Even if a person does not share his or her personal prescription, if the medicine is not kept safely locked away, it is easy enough to take doses from a shared medicine cabinet.

Who Is Affected By Opioid Abuse?

Recent reports from the ASAM show that at least two million people in the United States had an addiction to prescription opioids in 2015. Of those, at least 276,000 adolescents between the ages of 12 and 17 were “current nonmedical users” of prescription opioids. Of this same group of adolescents, 122,000 suffered from addiction to prescription opioids. Further, because women are more likely to have chronic pain than men, they are more likely to be given a prescription for opioid pain relievers and more likely to form an addiction. In fact, 48,000 women were victim to opioid prescription death between the years of 1999 and 2010.

What Are The Side Effects Of Vicoprofen Abuse?

Opioids like Vicoprofen produce an immediate calming effect and feeling of well-being. Opioids alter the way a person responds to pain. The following side effects may also be experienced when taking Vicoprofen, especially when changing the method of administration, dosage, or frequency:

  • constipation
  • dizziness
  • drowsiness
  • feeling of lightheadedness
  • nausea
  • stomach upset
  • vomiting

Is Vicoprofen Addictive?

Vicoprofen is intended only for a short period of approximately 10 days. But when used for longer, or abused, it may present a risk of addiction. When a person abusing a substance becomes tolerant to its effects or experiences withdrawal when not abusing it, that person may be suffering from addiction. Opioids present a high risk for addiction because they cause a brain to change the way a body responds to pain.

Opioids attach to opioid receptors in the brain. The NIDA explains, “when these drugs attach to their receptors, they reduce the perception of pain and can produce a sense of well-being.” Over time, the brain gets used to this new reaction and learns to crave this feeling again and again. But the brain is also resilient; after a certain period, it may be tolerant to the effects of the drug and will require more of it to produce the same effects. When a person can’t produce enough of a substance to achieve these effects or no longer has access to the prescription, he or she may experience withdrawal.

Withdrawal symptoms can range from moderate to severe. Some people experience such intense withdrawal symptoms that fear keeps them from quitting substance abuse, even if they want to quit. Some withdrawal symptoms as reported by the U.S. National Library of Medicine include:

  • agitation
  • anxiety
  • diarrhea
  • dilated pupils
  • goosebumps
  • muscle aches
  • nausea
  • stomach cramps
  • sweating
  • trouble sleeping (insomnia)
  • vomiting
  • yawning

Dangers Of Opioid Abuse

Drug overdose remains the leading cause of accidental death in the United States, with opioid addiction at the top of the overdose list. Prescription opioids were related to the overdose deaths of 21,101 individuals in 2015. Opioids present overdose risk because they work to slow body function, such as breathing and heart rate. When taken as directed, the body is meant to slow down over time. Yet with misuse and abuse, the effects of opioid can occur more quickly than intended and can be fatal.

The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that “drug overdose deaths and opioid-involved deaths continue to increase in the United States.” Reversing this dark trend will involve dedicated prevention measures and appropriate diagnoses and treatment. The CDC estimates that 91 Americans die every day from opioid overdose.

Opioid Abuse And Addiction Prevention

Many prescription opioids are abused either by those who receive prescriptions or people close to those who receive prescriptions. If you have an opioid prescription for Vicoprofen, be cautious. Take the medication only as directed for the method of administration, dosage, and frequency. Speak to your doctor before making any changes. Perhaps most importantly, report or seek help for any side effects which may point to tolerance, withdrawal, or the beginning of an addiction.

If you or someone close to you is already afflicted with addiction, treatment is the most effective route to recovery. We at can connect you with expert support for treatment and direct you to our renowned inpatient rehab centers. Treatment offered at an inpatient rehab facility remains the best way to ensure success in recovery for you or your loved one. Our professional staff can provide care and support necessary for healing.

Vicoprofen Addiction Treatment Program

Treatment approaches vary depending on the rehab center. However, one of the most effective methods for opioid addiction is cognitive behavioral therapy. In CBT, participants learn to build new lifestyle habits and refrain from opioid abuse. Many treatment centers couple CBT with counseling and/or other forms of therapy.

Counseling offers recovering individuals an outlet to cope with a myriad of emotions and thoughts gained in recovery. Other forms of therapy, such as holistic therapy or alternative forms, may focus on healing the addicted individual’s body and spirit as well as the mind.

With the help of our understanding staff at one of our outstanding rehab centers, you can get the healing you need and get your life back. Contact to learn more.

American Dental Association - Prescription Opioid Abuse

American Society Of Addiction Medicine - Opioid Addiction 2016 Facts And Figures

Centers For Disease Control And Prevention - Injury Prevention And Control: Opioid Overdose

National Institute On Drug Abuse - Prescription Opioid And Heroin Abuse

U.S. National Library Of Medicine - Opioid And Opioid Withdrawal

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