How To Help Someone Addicted To Lortab

Medically reviewed by
Isaac Alexis, M.D., AAMA, AMP-BCMay 7, 2019
Like other opioids, Lortab comes with a high risk of abuse and addiction. There are several things you can do to help someone addicted to Lortab.
Lortab is a prescription pain medication used to treat moderate to severe pain. Hydrocodone is one of the active ingredients in Lortab. Hydrocodone is an opioid and can be highly addictive.
Hydrocodone is a central nervous system depressant. This drug works on opioid receptors in the brain by changing how the brain perceives pain. By doing so, this medication can drastically reduce pain.
In addition to pain management, hydrocodone can also produce feelings of euphoria and intense pleasure. Opioids affect the reward center in the brain. This can result in pleasurable effects that can lead to abuse and addiction.
If you believe a loved one is struggling with an addiction to Lortab, there may be things you can do to help. Understanding the signs and symptoms of Lortab addiction is the first step in helping someone addicted to this drug.
How To Approach Someone Addicted To Lortab
Many people with substance use disorders feel that they are alone in their addiction. If you believe a loved one is addicted to Lortab, showing your support and offering to help them seek treatment is important.
One way to approach someone struggling with opioid addiction is to stage an intervention. An intervention is when loved ones meet with the addicted individual to discuss his or her addiction and the impact it’s having on his or her life. The family members may also share how addiction has affected their own lives.
A counselor or intervention specialist can provide support and guidance throughout the intervention. This person can guide the conversation and keep it on the right track.
Approaching the addicted individual when he or she is sober is important. This helps to prevent irrational reactions and can often be much more productive.
Keeping the overall attitude of the intervention as supportive and loving as possible is also important. However, standing your ground and ensuring that you don’t enable the addicted loved one can help prevent confusion.
The goal of an intervention is to help your loved one make the decision to seek treatment for Lortab addiction. Showing your love and support can make this decision easier and less scary.
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Signs Of Lortab Abuse And Addiction
Knowing the signs of Lortab addiction is important, especially if you believe a loved one is struggling with an addiction to the drug. People who are addicted to opioids will often show a number of symptoms and signs that may be noticeable to others.
Common symptoms of Lortab abuse include:
- constricted pupils
- drowsiness or nodding off
- slowed breathing
- constipation
- nausea or vomiting
- confusion
- lightheadedness
- blurred vision
- headaches
- depression
People who are addicted to Lortab may also display behavioral signs of abuse and addiction. As a substance use disorder progresses, these signs will likely become more and more evident.
Behavioral signs of an addiction to Lortab may include:
- going to multiple doctors to obtain more prescriptions for Lortab or other opioids
- lying about or hiding drug use
- withdrawing from friends and family
- problems at work or school
- financial difficulties as a result of drug use
- taking more Lortab than what is prescribed or recommended
- buying the drug off the street
- continuing to use Lortab despite relationship or other problems
Additionally, people who are addicted to Lortab will likely experience withdrawal symptoms when not taking the drug. Common symptoms of withdrawal include muscle pain, upset stomach, diarrhea, and intense cravings.
Treatment For Lortab Addiction
Overcoming an addiction to Lortab is a multi-stage process. There are several components that go into ensuring your loved one is as successful as possible at getting and staying sober.
Detox Programs For Lortab Addiction
Many people who are struggling with an opioid addiction will need to complete a medically supervised detox program before receiving treatment. Detox programs provide a safe and comfortable environment to withdraw from Lortab. They also provide medical assistance to help ease withdrawal symptoms.
Detoxing from opioids like Lortab can take several days. How long a person spends in a detox program will depend on his or her condition and level of addiction.
Inpatient Treatment
Once a detox program is successfully completed, intensive inpatient treatment will likely be recommended. Many inpatient programs offer customized plans for recovery to meet the needs of each person.
Inpatient treatment typically lasts several weeks or months. During this time, patients participate in daily treatment that may include counseling, medication-assisted treatment, and support groups.
Providing support throughout the entire treatment process is important and can help the success of your loved one. Support before, during, and after treatment is imperative to your loved one’s recovery.
To learn more about how to help someone addicted to Lortab, contact a treatment specialist today.
Article SourcesNational Institute on Drug Abuse - Principles of Drug Addiction Treatment: A Research-Based Guide (Third Edition)
BMC Psychiatry - Helping someone with problem drug use: a delphi consensus study of consumers, carers, and clinicians
Mayo Clinic - How to tell if a loved one is abusing opioids