Massachusetts Equine Therapy Rehab Centers

Equine therapy is an alternative form of addiction treatment that involves patients working with horses as the main part of their recovery. Massachusetts offers a variety of these programs to help individuals overcome addiction and get back on their feet.

What Is Equine Therapy?

One of the major roadblocks that many people have to overcome to successfully undergo treatment for drug or alcohol abuse has to do with a lack of a certain mental perspective. Many people have difficulty disconnecting with the stresses of their day to day lives, which can make even alternative treatment styles very difficult to maintain.

Equine therapy is a method of addressing these issues head-on and has become quite popular across the country in the last several years. In essence, equine therapy involves taking someone in a rehab environment and placing them in charge of the health and well being of a horse. They will eat with the horse, exercise with it and generally care for it for several hours a day in between treatment sessions. Studies have shown that this is a great way to provide a person with the mental perspective that they need for traditional and nontraditional treatment methods to really take hold.

Statistical Information About Equine Therapy

Drug and alcohol abuse can affect anybody at any time, which is especially evident as you begin to look at statistical information across Massachusetts and other states. According to, for example, it was estimated that as many as 142,000 people across Massachusetts needed but did not receive treatment for illicit drug use during the past year alone. 425,000 people needed but did not receive treatment for alcohol use during the same period of time.

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The same website indicated that as much as 3.71 percent of the state’s population also battled with some type of serious mental health issue during the last 365 days. All of these signs point to a very serious issue that cannot be ignored. These are also some of the reasons why equine therapy is so important: they give people the real chance that they need for treatment methods to take hold.

Finding Help In Massachusetts

Please contact us at today to find out additional information about equine therapy and other forms of drug and alcohol abuse rehabilitation and recovery. is the drug and alcohol abuse resource that never closes. You can use it to access contact information for specific facilities in your area or to learn more about other types of treatment beyond equine therapy, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. It’s always important to remember that help is available whenever and wherever you happen to be.

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