Kentucky Equine Therapy Rehab Centers
Alcohol addiction, substance abuse, and mental health disorders often go hand-in-hand. Many people who suffer from addiction also battle a mental health issue at the same time, and it can be difficult for them to find a treatment option that will provide them with relief and long-term sobriety. Kentuck equine therapy programs may be the treatment they need to get back to a life of sobriety.
In Kentucky, more than 72,000 people needed treatment for illicit drug use but did not receive it, and 185,000 people needed treatment for alcohol addiction but did not receive it. This is a sign that many people are not aware that they need treatment, or are not aware of the alternative treatment options that are available to them. Nearly 5-percent of the population in Kentucky suffers from a serious mental health issue, signaling the need for holistic and alternative treatment programs.
What Is Equine Therapy?
One alternative treatment program that is available in Kentucky is equine therapy. Equine therapy is a form of animal-assisted therapy, and it is known as a holistic treatment program for alcohol and substance abuse disorders. During equine therapy, a professional therapist who is skilled in this type of program will help the patient connect with a horse and interact with the horse on a regular basis.
The goal of this type of therapy is to help the patient understand their own emotions better, and to also learn essential life skills by caring for the animal. People who are battling addiction and mental health disorders often need to find a new focus and priority in their lives, which is why equine therapy can be beneficial.
Why Choose Equine Therapy?
Working with horses has been shown to help reduce anxiety and depression in patients, which can help patients who are overcoming their addictions to reduce the negative emotions associated with their withdrawal and recovery. In addition, during these therapy programs, the patients are required to care for the horse in many different ways. Grooming the horse, feeding the horse and caring for its stall are all a part of equine therapy.
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These new physical skills can help replace the need or desire to drink alcohol and consume drugs. The patient also has to change their own behavior in order to care for the horse well, and it helps them to think about how they can better handle relationships in the future. In addition, equine therapy helps patients build trust again — something that can be difficult after dealing with the disease of addiction and any other mental health disorders.
Equine therapy is designed to be a complementary addiction treatment program. It is most effective when combined with other traditional treatment options, such as medical care, counseling and support groups.
Contact Us For More Information About Equine Therapy In Kentucky
If you feel that equine therapy would benefit you or your loved one, then contact us at today. We would be happy to help you find a holistic treatment center in Kentucky that offers these unique services. Our caring counselors are standing by, so don’t hesitate to call today.