Beaumont, Texas Substance Use Statistics And Treatment Options
Updated on May 19, 2020 | Published on September 30, 2019
Jefferson County has a higher rate of youth alcohol use than neighboring counties in southeast Texas, and 92 people in the county died of a drug overdose in 2017. If you live in Beaumont and need treatment, help is available.
Substance Use Statistics In Beaumont And Jefferson County, Texas
Beaumont is located in Jefferson County, which is one of the counties in the Houston High-Intensity Drug Trafficking Area (HIDTA) of the Drug Enforcement Agency. Facts from this region include:
- According to the Texas Prevention Resource Center (PRC) Region 5 assessment, young people in the region start drinking alcohol at an average age of 12.8, and more than 40 percent of young people engage in underage drinking.
- Over 50 percent of 12th-grade students in PRC Region 5 drank alcohol regularly in 2018.
- Jefferson County had the highest number of years of life lost due to drug and alcohol poisoning out of all of the counties in PRC Region 5.
- Jefferson County had 140 drug- and alcohol-involved auto crashes in 2016, including four fatal crashes.
- In 2018, 35 Jefferson County residents were convicted of drug sales or manufacturing, and 376 people were convicted of drug possession.
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Addiction Treatment Options In Beaumont, Texas
Beaumont residents can find outpatient drug and alcohol treatment, residential rehab, and medication-assisted treatment within the community.
You can also locate other types of treatment elsewhere in Jefferson County or other regions in Texas. Individualized treatment plans can offer an optimal way for you to recover, which provide various programs like detox and more.
Drug And Alcohol Detox Programs
Before you engage in a residential or an outpatient program, you need to complete a detox program. Medical supervision can help to ensure that detox is safe and as comfortable as possible.
Detox programs often take place in an inpatient setting, but they can also take place in outpatient programs, along with medical monitoring and medications that can ease withdrawal symptoms.
Inpatient Addiction Treatment
If you need a drug and alcohol-free environment to work on your recovery, you’ll likely benefit from inpatient treatment programs. Residential rehab programs offer 24-hour, seven-day-a-week support and assistance to help you remain substance-free.
Inpatient treatment provides a location where you can focus on your health and recovery. Evidence-based therapies, like cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), along with alternative therapies like music and art therapy are likely available.
Outpatient Drug Rehab
Individuals who have a supportive, substance-free home environment may be able to benefit from outpatient drug and alcohol treatment.
Outpatient programs often last between 10 and 16 weeks. They can meet for two hours a day, three days a week, or meet more frequently for longer periods. Outpatient programs can also combine group and individual counseling along with substance use disorder education.
Medication-Assisted Treatment
FDA-approved medications including buprenorphine, methadone, and naltrexone, can be combined with counseling and peer group support in medication-assisted treatment (MAT).
MAT is often provided in outpatient settings, but it can also be a part of an inpatient program. MAT can benefit people with alcohol, opioid, and tobacco use disorders.
Aftercare Planning And Services
Recovery from drug and alcohol use disorders is a lifelong process. Aftercare planning and services are an important part of individualized treatment plans.
Participating in aftercare services, including group and individual counseling, can help people to maintain their recovery and continue to improve their physical and mental health.
How To Pay For Alcohol Or Drug Rehab
A combination of insurance benefits, payment plans, and direct payment can pay for drug and alcohol rehab services. Learn how to pay for rehab and which services are covered by speaking with your insurance provider and the rehab center itself.
Virtual Care Is Available With Regard Healthcare
Providing virtual behavioral health care, Regard Healthcare offers individualized and confidential help for people seeking to recover from substance use and mental health disorders.
Regard Healthcare has private access and convenient treatment schedules. Locate the virtual care for substance use disorders and behavioral health that you need with Regard Healthcare.
Regard Healthcare Texas
Regard Healthcare Texas is four and a half hours northwest of Beaumont in Scurry, Texas. Located on a 65-acre campus which includes rustic bridges, lakes, and creeks, Regard Healthcare Texas offers individualized and responsive care for drug and alcohol recovery.
To learn more about Regard Healthcare Texas, please contact us today.
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$err['lookup'] = "Sorry, we couldn't find that category.";
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$state = Model::factory('State')->where('url', $stateSlug)->find_one();
if (!$state) {
$err['state'] = "Sorry, we couldn't find that state.";
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if (!$city) {
$err['city'] = "Sorry, we couldn't find that city.";
$is404 = true;
if ($requestLocation && $city ) {
/* Fetch Location Only under primary Lookup*/
$location = $city->location()->where('url', $requestLocation)->find_one();
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$err['location'] = "Sorry, we couldn't find that location.";
$is404 = true;
/* Special Header Addons - Locations Under Sub Lookups*/
$sublookup_head = true;
* Let's work backwards with what we have.
// City Table Column Selector :: Num Locations by Lookup
case 'inpatient-rehab-centers' : $col = 'num_inpa'; break;
default : $col = 'num_locations';
if ($location) {
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$mapAddress = urlencode($location->location_street1 . ' ' . $location->location_street2 . ' ' . $city->name . ' ' . $state->abbr);
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// Reserved for location data-only
} else {
include_once 'templates/location.php';
else if ($city) {
if ($lookup == 'inpatient-rehab-centers') {
// Special case; exclude outpatient rehabs from inpatient list
$locations = ORM::for_table('location')
->raw_query('SELECT location.*
FROM location JOIN attribute_location ON = attribute_location.location_id
WHERE location.city_id = ?
AND attribute_location.attribute_id IN (25,26,27)
SELECT location_id
FROM attribute_location
WHERE attribute_id = 23
GROUP BY', array($city->id))
elseif ($lookupGroup) {
$built_re_state = explode('-'.$requestLookup,$requestState)[0];
$build_redirect = '/rehab-centers/'.$built_re_state.'-rehab-centers/'.$requestCity.'/';
header("HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently");
header('Location:' . $build_redirect);
// Standard lookups
//$locations = ORM::for_table('location')->where('location.city_id', $city->id)->join('attribute_location', array('', '=', 'attribute_location.location_id'))->where_in('attribute_location.attribute_id', $lookupGroup)->group_by('')->find_many();
else {
// Show all rehab centers
$locations = $city->location()->find_many();
/* Show City Page Only if # Segments exist*/
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// Reserved for city data-only
include_once 'templates/city-data.php';
} else {
include_once 'templates/city.php';
}elseif ($state) {
if ($lookup == 'inpatient-rehab-centers') {
// Special case; exclude outpatient rehabs from inpatient list
$cities = ORM::for_table('city')
->raw_query('SELECT city.*
FROM city
JOIN location ON = location.city_id
JOIN attribute_location ON = attribute_location.location_id
WHERE city.state_id = ?
AND attribute_location.attribute_id IN (25,26,27)
SELECT location_id
FROM attribute_location
WHERE attribute_id = 23
GROUP BY', array($state->id))
else if ($lookupGroup) {
$cities = ORM::for_table('city')->select('city.*')->where('city.state_id', $state->id)->join('location', array('', '=', 'location.city_id'))->join('attribute_location', array('', '=', 'attribute_location.location_id'))->where_in('attribute_location.attribute_id', $lookupGroup)->group_by('')->find_many();
else {
$cities = $state->city()->find_many();
// Let's make sure we only have # segments on the URL array(3)
if ($dataOnly) {
include_once 'templates/state-data.php';
} else {
include_once 'templates/state.php';
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$states = Model::factory('State')->find_many();
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include_once 'templates/lookup-data.php';
} else {
include_once 'templates/lookup.php';
else {
$is404 = true;
header('HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found');
// $endTime = microtime(true);
//echo '';
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