5 Drug Rehab Centers Near Mason, Michigan

Mason, Michigan is a small town about 8 miles south of Lansing. Mason is named after Michigan’s first governor, Stevens T. Mason. With about 8,500 residents, Mason has limited options for addiction treatment.

Rehab Centers In Mason, Michigan

Mason has one drug and alcohol rehab center within city limits.

Rehab Centers Near Mason, Michigan

Mason is located approximately 8 miles south of Lansing on Highway 127. The state capital has over 15 drug and alcohol treatment programs within city limits.

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Substance Abuse In Mason & Ingham County

Ingham County includes Mason and Lansing along with other communities. According to the Lansing City Pulse, county first responders used naloxone to reverse 281 overdoses in 2017.

Drug overdose deaths became the leading cause of accidental death in Ingham County in 2017, according to an Ingham County Health Officer. More than 100 people died from opioid overdoses in 2018 in Ingham County, according to Sparrow Hospital reports:

  • An average of 6 to 7 people a month died of opioid overdoses in Ingham County in 2017 and 2018.
  • Fentanyl caused 50% of the county’s overdose deaths, and heroin caused about 25%.

How To Find Addiction Treatment

Mason residents have access to one residential substance use disorder treatment facility within city limits. They can access additional treatment facilities in Lansing and Jackson. Residents may need to travel outside central Michigan for treatment for special needs.

Speak with a treatment specialist about your best choices for drug and alcohol treatment and recovery by contacting RehabCenter.net today.

Lansing City Pulse - https://lansingcitypulse.com/article-16243-Report-Synthetic-opioids-ravage-Ingham-Co.html

Ingham County Opioid Surveillance Report - http://www.hd.ingham.org/Portals/HD/Home/Documents/HPP/Mnthly_Opi_Surveil_Report_Nov_2018.pdf

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