How To Stage A Fentanyl Addiction Intervention

An intervention can help someone who is addicted to fentanyl understand the impact his or her addiction is having on loved ones and life in general. Staging an intervention can also open to the door the helping someone get the help he or she needs to recover from fentanyl addiction.

Fentanyl is an incredibly strong synthetic opioid. It is only available through prescription. Fentanyl is generally only used for severe and chronic pain as well as pain associated with cancer.

There are many different forms of fentanyl. These include lozenges, tablets, nasal spray, an injectable liquid, and transdermal patches. Brand names for fentanyl include Duragesic, Lazanda, Actiq, and Subsys.

While fentanyl is certainly useful for managing chronic pain, it is also incredibly addictive. Fentanyl is highly potent; it’s an estimated 50 to 100 times stronger than morphine. Fentanyl produces a high similar to heroin and even a small amount can be dangerous.

People using fentanyl can quickly build up a tolerance to the drug. This means that they need more of the substance to get the same effect. This can put individuals at danger for overdose and even death.

If a loved one is addicted to fentanyl, his or her life could be a danger. Staging an intervention can help shed light on the impact the loved one’s addiction is having.

Staging A Fentanyl Addiction Intervention

Staging an intervention for someone addicted to fentanyl or other opioids is never easy. It’s important to remember that addiction is a disease, and the person suffering is struggling just as much as the loved ones affected by the addiction.

Interventions are often frustrating and difficult for all parties involved. Understanding the fundamentals of interventions and how to best hold them can help things run smoothly.

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Selecting A Location For The Intervention

The location of the intervention is important. You want to choose a place where your loved one will feel comfortable and safe. This may be your loved one’s home or your home, or another familiar environment.

Planning The Intervention

Finding and speaking with people in your loved one’s circle is the first step to planning an intervention. Often, other people have noticed the signs of addiction that you have.

Gathering the people important to your loved one is important. These are the people whose opinion and feelings your loved one likely values. This means that he or she will be more likely to be receptive to what’s being said during the intervention.

Once you have decided who will participate in the intervention, planning what will be said is the next step. Carefully planning out what you and others will say is imperative. Simply saying how much you dislike your loved one’s fentanyl addiction isn’t going to be helpful.

One approach that has proven successful is to offer an ultimatum. This can be done by everyone involved. The ultimatum should identify clear and concise parameters and be easy to understand and follow.

Seek Professional Assistance For A Fentanyl Addiction Intervention

An addiction specialist or interventionist can further help plan and carry out the intervention. These trained professionals understand the intricacies of intervention and can help ensure it is as successful as possible.

The professional you choose to help you can act as a mediator throughout the intervention. He or she can guide the conversation and make sure all key points are covered. The professional can also monitor your loved one’s reactions and decide on whether a different approach may be needed.

A trained professional can be especially helpful if your loved one is prone to violent outbursts, suicidal tendencies, or is suffering from a mental illness. The professional can monitor these conditions and know how to deal with them.

What To Do After The Intervention

Once the intervention is completed, it’s important to know what to do next. If your loved one is receptive, getting them help should be the main priority. Enforcing any ultimatums set during the intervention should also be done.

If your loved one was not receptive to the intervention, you may need some time to decide what to do next. A trained professional can help you determine what your next steps should be.

Getting Help For Fentanyl Addiction

If you or a loved one is struggling with a fentanyl addiction, know that there is help available. Beating addiction alone may feel impossible. There are multiple treatment options available to provide the support and guidance needed to overcome addiction.

Many people have found success with formal treatment options such as an inpatient treatment program. An inpatient treatment program provides tailored plans of recovery to suit the needs of each patient.

To learn more about staging a fentanyl addiction intervention, contact our treatment specialists today.

National Institute on Drug Abuse - Treatment Approaches for Drug Addiction

National Institute on Drug Abuse - Drugs, Brains, and Behavior: The Science of Addiction

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (US); Office of the Surgeon General (US) - Facing Addiction in America: The Surgeon General's Report on Alcohol, Drugs, and Health

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