Couples Rehab And Going To Rehab With Your Significant Other

Medically reviewed by
Isaac Alexis, M.D., AAMA, AMP-BCJanuary 23, 2019
Many individuals with a substance abuse problem may find themselves in a relationship where their partner is also addicted to drugs or alcohol. While there is a desire to seek treatment together, not all partners agree or are willing to. It is important for individuals to know that there are options out there to assist them in getting the help and treatment that they may need.
Addressing Your Apprehension
Addiction is a complex issue. There are many factors at play that attribute to the desire to engage in the overuse of a drug or consuming too much alcohol. In order to get treatment and recover from addiction successfully, understanding the thoughts that enter your mind about the rehab process is vital.
You have probably thought to yourself, I don’t think I can do this. It will be too hard. If you have a significant other in your life who is also swirling in the tornado of addiction, you might have also said to yourself, I’ll get help if he/she does. If we are going to go to rehab, we should do it together. These type of thoughts are common, but it should be noted that they are each a form of apprehension regarding getting treatment.
Take A Stand: Admitting The Problem
The first step is making a decision for yourself that your dependence on a drug or alcohol is no longer tolerable and allow professionals to help you. Why? Because you deserve to live a happy and whole life, free from the ramifications that doing a drug brings. You know all too well that addiction is destructive to the life and health of the individual involved with the drug and that consequences even affect family and friends.
What many people who are dealing with the stress of addiction do not realize is that they are worthy of many helping hands. Unfortunately, if you or your partner is also dealing with addiction, one of those helping hands is not going to be your significant other.
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The State Of Your Partner
It is so difficult to come to terms with, but your spouse, girlfriend, or boyfriend is too being sucked into the quicksand of addiction. All the living nightmares that you are experiencing, he or she is going through as well. And because you care for the person deeply, you probably have an instinctive desire to want to “save” him or her. However, you are not in a position to do so; it is not your job to do so. You can still be supportive of your partner, but you cannot make a choice for lasting change for another person.
If there is any time in your life that it is okay to be selfish, then this is it. Making the decision to seek treatment with or without your partner (in other words, being willing to go to drug rehab on your own) means that your future, your happiness, and your well-being does not hinge on whether your significant other will get help.
Couples Drug Treatment Options
Hopefully there has now been a new thought instilled in you: that you are free to and fully capable of making a decision that is right for you, even if you may have previously felt hindered by negative thoughts, or if your partner’s indecisiveness has held you back. But let’s say that your significant other wants treatment, and so do you. In this case, there is such a wide variety of drug rehabilitation facilities that it is certainly an option that you both can get help at the same rehab center, or facilities that allow you to visit a loved one during rehab, or allow conjugal visits.
Here is a list of what drug rehab for couples can be referred to as:
- Drug therapy for couples
- Couples drug treatment
- Treatment for couples with drug addiction
- Rehab for couples
Finding Couples Drug Rehab
Second guessing drug rehab due to fears is normal. It might seem like there are constant thoughts coming against your potential decision to get help. But, you do not have to wait any longer. You deserve to get the best treatment available, rehabilitation that fits your needs. Talk to someone now here at so that you can begin living life as the new you—free from drugs or alcohol.