Teen Alcohol And Drug Rehab Centers In Rhode Island

Substance abuse disorders can impact people of all ages and from all backgrounds. When an adolescent begins to develop this health problem, they are jeopardizing their entire future. It is common for young people to damage their social relationships, negatively impact their cognitive skills and hurt their overall health. That is why finding a good treatment option is so important for patients and their families.

For adolescents in Rhode Island, substance abuse and mental health remain pressing concerns. According to data collected by SAMHSA, an estimated 10.40 to 14.58 percent of the people between the ages of 12 and 17 have used an illicit drug in the past month. Additionally, between 3.53 and 4.13 percent of that same age group needs, but is not receiving, treatment for their illicit drug use in the past year. Mental health also plays an important role in the well-being of these children, which is why it is important to note that there were an estimated 10,000 major depressive episodes each year on average in 2013 and 2014. Patients facing substance abuse issues and mental health disorders need to make sure that they select a facility that is capable of helping them with both so that they have the best possible chance for a full recovery.

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Substance abuse treatment for adolescents

Patients in need of substance abuse treatment often find themselves looking at a wide range of treatment options. There are some facilities that stick with traditional methods, such as cognitive behavioral therapy with some group counseling. Others, however, are branching out more to include more alternative and holistic treatment options. Alternative treatment methods can vary widely depending upon the espoused philosophies of the facility. It could include things like horseback riding, acupuncture or music therapy, for example. Alternative and holistic treatments are designed to help treat the entire person and any ailments or illnesses that can make addiction worse and vice-versa.

It is also important for the families of adolescents with substance abuse issues to remember the importance of other parts of treatment. Depending upon the substance of choice, this might include a medical detox. Many patients also need a type of aftercare, such as continued therapy after going home, as they reenter society. Finally, in many situations, family therapy will also be an important aspect of treatment. Family therapy can help strengthen the bonds between the family members and help patients and caregivers learn how to support the patient throughout the recovery process.

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