Rehab Centers That Accept Humana Insurance In Michigan

Addiction is a complex illness that can be caused by a wide variety of factors, ranging from environmental influences to biological conditions and mental health disorders. Every patient who is battling addiction requires treatment from a qualified rehab center in order to overcome the disease, and they should work with recovery specialists in order to create a treatment plan that is uniquely suited to their needs. Some patients prefer the structure and schedule of the residential treatment centers, where they receive care from medical professionals, counselors, and other specialists while enjoying extracurricular activities and common mealtimes with other patients. Others are looking for a more natural approach to the treatment process, so they incorporate holistic treatment options into their care plan. Holistic care options can include acupuncture, nutritional therapy, herbal supplements or yoga, to name a few. For many patients, their Humana health insurance plan will help make treatment more affordable.

Humana in Michigan

Humana is a health insurance provider that offers Michigan residents comprehensive plans that will meet their individual medical and behavioral health needs. The company offers different plan levels, allowing patients to choose an option that will provide them with the care that they need at a price they can afford.

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The plan levels include: platinum, gold, silver, bronze, and basic. The platinum level is the premium plan on the spectrum, offering patients a health care plan that includes rich benefits and minimal out-of-pocket costs. This plan has the highest monthly premiums. In the middle of the spectrum is the silver plan, which covers the majority of patients’ health care costs while also having a moderate monthly premium. Interested patients who opt for a silver plan also are eligible for a health savings account. The basic plan has minimal monthly premium costs, but most patients will find that they have to pay a significant amount out-of-pocket when receiving treatment. All of their plans include coverage for preventative care, emergency care, and prescription drugs.

Michigan residents who are battling addiction should consider the coverage for treatment options in each individual plan before they decide on the right Humana plan for them.

Humana Coverage for Addiction Treatment Services at Rehab Centers

Each individual plan will provide patients with coverage for specific types of treatment options when it comes to addiction recovery services. Patients who are interested in enrolling in an inpatient treatment center will want to decide on a program length. Most programs last for 30, 60, 90, or 120 days, based on the patients’ preferences and their level of addiction. One silver Humana health insurance plan that is available in Michigan has a $4,600 deductible for an individual. Coverage for substance abuse treatment services will vary based on whether the patient opts for an in-network treatment center or an out-of-network facility.

Alternatively, some patients may prefer to balance their current daily obligations with their addiction recovery by partnering with an outpatient counseling center. At an outpatient treatment center, patients will work with a counselor on an individual basis while also attending group meetings that will provide them with the support they need during recovery. Humana health care plans may help minimize the out-of-pocket costs associated with these services.

In addition, patients may have the option of incorporating holistic treatment options into their addiction recovery plan. Popular holistic addiction treatment services include acupuncture, meditation, nutritional therapy, equine therapy, and wilderness therapy. Many patients find that these treatment options help them personalize their recovery plan and allow them to heal more completely as they overcome their addiction to drugs and alcohol. Humana health care plans may cover these holistic treatment services for patients in Michigan.

Contact Us For More Information

If you feel that addiction treatment at a rehab center is the next best step for you or someone that you love, then it’s time to take action. Contact us, and you will immediately be connected with a caring counselor who will help you find the right location for you. We will show you the treatment centers in your area that offer the treatment options that you prefer and that also accept your Humana health insurance plan. To find out more information and take this first important step toward sobriety, contact us at today.


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