Addiction and Treatment Statistics for Lake Mills, Wisconsin

Located in the southern part of Wisconsin, Lake Mills is a small city with a population of almost 6,000 people. The nearby Rock Lake has operated as a source of power to local saw and grist mills for many years.

Alcohol And Drug Rehab Centers In Lake Mills, Wisconsin

Unfortunately, there are no alcohol and drug rehab centers in Lake Mills. There are, however, several community action agencies that can connect you with addiction treatment resources outside of Lake Mills within driving distance.

Alcohol And Drug Rehab Centers Near Lake Mills, Wisconsin

If you have decided to obtain the help you need to achieve sobriety, there are several alcohol and drug rehab centers near Lake Mills. The nearby substance abuse treatment facilities offer outpatient and inpatient rehab programs as well as medication-assisted treatment (MAT).

Nearby rehab facilities provides individual and group therapy for people seeking support.

Other services nearby works with the local government and court systems to fulfill court-mandated substance abuse treatment requirements. Self-help programs and aftercare programs are also available.

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The alcohol and drug rehab programs available are tailored to individuals who need more intensive substance abuse treatment than what a typical outpatient rehab program can provide. Some treatment programs follows a holistic approach to treat the underlying causes of addiction. Various rehab programs are also offered to men, women, and children.

Substance Abuse In Lake Mills And Jefferson County

Like many areas of Wisconsin, Lake Mills and Jefferson County have experienced some substance abuse issues. A few statistics to consider addiction in Jefferson County and Wisconsin include:

  • There were 10.1 people per 1,000 served in addiction treatment programs in Jefferson County in 2016.
  • 207 Jefferson County residents completed community-run programs for mental health and substance use in 2016.
  • In the state of Wisconsin, 757,000 people over the age of 26 reported using methamphetamine in 201.

Traveling For The Best Program

Not all Wisconsin alcohol and drug rehab centers have a program that works for everyone. Addiction treatment should be an individualized experience, and finding the right rehab program for your needs is one of the most important things to consider.

If you need guidance in finding substance abuse treatment in Wisconsin, contact us today to talk to a treatment specialist who can help.

Wisconsin Department of Health Services -

Wisconsin Department of Health Services -

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