Addiction and Treatment Statistics for Spencer, West Virginia

Spencer, West Virginia is recognized as one of the top 10 most beautiful cities in West Virginia. This small town has unlimited opportunities for outdoor fun, business development, and community growth.

Spencer is the outdoor recreational hub in central West Virginia, hosting races, festivals and Civil War reenactments each year.

Small businesses are welcome in Spencer, where low property taxes and low real estate prices are helping new business owners flourish.

Rehab Centers In Spencer, West Virginia

In Spencer, a person can find addiction treatment through one rehab center with substance abuse services. This facility is not only fully accredited, but it has options for many different types of programs.

Rehab Centers Near Spencer, West Virginia

There are a few rehab centers near Spencer, West Virginia. Many of these facilities offer residential addiction treatment.

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Substance Abuse In Spencer And Roane County

Roane County, where Spencer is the county seat, has lower rates of substance abuse than the West Virginia state average.

  • Out of 10,000 patients treated in hospitals in Roane County, 47.2 received a diagnosis related to drug use. This is one of the lowest rates in West Virginia.
  • Out of every 100,000 residents, 19 died from drug overdoses in 2013. With less than 15,000 Roane County residents, the number of deaths is much lower.
  • The number of individuals who received an alcohol-related diagnosis in Roane County is lower than the West Virginia state average.
  • Less than 53 individuals out of every 10,000 treated in Roane County hospitals were diagnosed with an alcohol-related cause.
  • In spite of these lower rates, the rate of individuals diagnosed with chronic liver cirrhosis is higher than the state average.
  • Out of every 100,000 county residents, 20.4 were diagnosed with chronic liver cirrhosis.

Traveling For The Best Program

With only one alcohol and drug rehab center available in Spencer, West Virginia, traveling for a rehab program is a great option for residents.

Traveling opens the door to other rehab centers, but also helps a person find a program with a shorter waiting list. Many people also find that seeking treatment away from their hometown gives them a chance to escape distractions while becoming substance-free.

For more information on how you can find the program that fits your needs, contact a treatment specialist with today.

WV Department of Health and Human Resources Bureau for Behavioral Health and Health Facilities -

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