Addiction and Treatment Statistics for Fairmont, West Virginia

Fairmont, West Virginia is the county seat of Marion County. With just under 20,000 people living here, Fairmont is one of the largest cities in West Virginia and has much to offer, including Pricketts Fort State Park and many spots to enjoy a day with friends and family. For those struggling to overcome addiction, Fairmont also offers a few rehabilitation centers to ensure everyone gets the help they need.

Rehab Centers In Fairmont, West Virginia

Those seeking addiction treatment in Fairmont and the surrounding areas have access to many services. One alcohol and drug rehab center is available in Fairmont offering both outpatient and residential treatment.

Rehab Centers Near Fairmont, West Virginia

For those looking for more addiction treatment options, there are several rehab centers close to Fairmont that offer residential treatment for substance abuse.

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Substance Abuse In Fairmont And Marion County

Marion County, which includes Fairmont, sees some of the highest rates of substance abuse in the state of West Virginia.

  • Out of every 10,000 discharges from the hospital, Marion County saw 378.9 and 495.6 drug- and alcohol-related diagnoses, respectively. These rates are the seventh and ninth highest rates in the state.
  • Marion County holds the sixth highest rate of alcohol dependence, with 601.1 patients out of every 10,000 receiving a diagnosis of alcohol dependence.
  • Despite the high levels of substance-related diagnoses, the rate of fatal overdoses is actually low, at 10.2 out of 100,000 discharges. This is one of the lowest rates in the state.
  • The percentage of individuals who has used prescription medication non-medically decreased from 5.4 percent to 4.3 percent from 2010 to 2014.

Traveling For The Best Program

When considering an alcohol or substance abuse treatment program, there are many factors involved in the decision, and not the least of these is location. Being open to travel for a rehab program opens up many doors for finding the program that will best fit your needs.

It may help you find a program with a shorter waiting list or provide the opportunity to seek treatment free of distractions. If you are unsure which program in West Virginia best fits your needs, a treatment specialist with would be happy to discuss all of the available options with you.

WV Department of Health and Human Resources Bureau for Behavioral Health and Health Facilities -

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