Addiction and Treatment Statistics for Stevenson, Washington

Stevenson, Washington is home to only one addiction treatment center. Residents of Stevenson can find additional treatment options in cities located across state lines in Oregon.

Alcohol And Drug Rehab Centers In Stevenson, Washington

The only drug and alcohol rehab center currently operating in Stevenson is Skamania County Community Health.

Alcohol And Drug Rehab Centers Near Stevenson, Washington

Since there is only one addiction treatment center located in Stevenson, many residents choose to look for treatment in locations like Portland and Hood River, Oregon.

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Substance Abuse In Stevenson & Skamania County, Washington

Like all counties in the state of Washington, Skamania County deals with the consequences of substance abuse. Some statistics related to substance abuse in Skamania County include:

  • Skamania County recorded only one death related to drug overdose in 2018. However, because of its relatively low population, this number is still alarming.
  • Mortality related to drug use in Skamania County occurs at an average annual rate of 13.8 per 100,000 residents.

Leaving Stevenson, Washington For Treatment

Stevenson is located in a remote area, so traveling for addiction treatment may be required. To learn more about finding rehab centers in other states, contact today. Treatment specialists can provide guidance with the search.

Washington Department of Health -

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