Addiction and Treatment Statistics for Spanaway, Washington

Spanaway, Washington, offers a single addiction treatment center within its borders at this time. However, additional treatment options are available in nearby cities like Tacoma.

Alcohol And Drug Rehab Centers In Spanaway, Washington

There is currently at least one drug and alcohol rehab center located in Spanaway.

Alcohol And Drug Rehab Centers Near Spanaway, Washington

Because addiction treatment options are limited within Spanaway, many residents decide to travel to nearby cities like Tacoma or Lakewood for additional rehab program options.

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Substance Abuse In Spanaway & Pierce County, Washington

Every county in the state of Washington has dealt with issues related to addiction and overdose, and Pierce County is no exception. Some alarming facts specific to substance abuse in Spanaway and Pierce County include:

  • A total of 88 people died of drug overdose in Pierce County during 2018. The majority of these people were using opioids at the time of their deaths.
  • Nearly 400 people were hospitalized for drug overdose in Pierce County during 2017.
  • From 2013 to 2017, the average annual overdose death rate in Pierce County was 16.2 deaths per 100,000 residents.

Leaving Spanaway, Washington For Treatment

If the treatment options within or around Spanaway don’t feel right for the person in need, consider contacting for assistance. Treatment specialists are standing by to help individuals and families locate a rehab center ideal for their needs and situation.

Washington Department of Health -

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