Addiction and Treatment Statistics for Republic, Washington

Republic, Washington does not have any alcohol and drug rehab centers within its boundaries. However, residents of this city can enroll in effective treatment programs by traveling to other cities where addiction treatment centers are available.

Alcohol and Drug Rehab Centers Near Republic, Washington

Because there are no alcohol and drug rehab centers available within Republic, residents of this city can drive between one to two and half hours to find the treatment they need in Colville, Mead, or Spokane.

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Substance Abuse In Republic & Ferry County, Washington

According to the Washington Department of Health, the average annual overdose rate in Ferry County between 2013 and 2017 was 20.5 deaths per 100,000 residents. This rate is significantly higher than the average for the state of Washington, indicating that the problem in this area is severe.

Leaving Republic, Washington For Treatment

Republic residents will likely need to travel for hours to receive comprehensive care for addiction. However, families do not need to limit themselves to options in the region or even in Washington. Families should base their decision on individual needs the program itself.

To learn more about finding treatment outside of Republic, contact today.

Washington Department of Health -

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