Addiction and Treatment Statistics for Kirkland, Washington

For those experiencing addiction in Kirkland, Washington, there are both inpatient and outpatient drug and alcohol rehab centers available close to home.

Alcohol And Drug Rehab Centers In Kirkland, Washington

There are at least three addiction treatment organizations operating facilities in Kirkland.

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Alcohol And Drug Rehab Centers Near Kirkland, Washington

If the rehab centers in Kirkland don’t feel right for the person in need, patients and family members can check out additional programs in nearby Bellevue and other Seattle suburbs.

Substance Abuse In Kirkland & King County, Washington

Drug and alcohol abuse in the Kirkland and King County area of Washington State continues to be a significant problem, especially for those directly impacted. Some facts gathered by the University of Washington include:

  • In King County, there were a recorded 94 overdose deaths involving prescription opioids in 2017.
  • In 2017, King County methamphetamine-related deaths soared to 136, up from 22 just six years earlier.

If the programs available in the Kirkland area don’t suit the person with an addiction, contact today to find rehab centers in other communities or states.

University of Washington: Alcohol and Drug Abuse Institute -

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