Addiction and Treatment Statistics for Kenmore, Washington

Alcohol And Drug Rehab Centers In Kenmore, Washington

While the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) doesn’t identify any physical drug and alcohol rehab centers within the city limits of Kenmore, there are a number of treatment centers nearby.

Alcohol And Drug Rehab Centers Near Kenmore, Washington

The Kenmore area is surrounded by a variety of drug and alcohol rehab centers in nearby communities like Redmond, Bothell, Woodinville, and Kirkland.

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Substance Abuse In Kenmore & King County, Washington

According to statistics generated by the University of Washington Alcohol and Drug Abuse Institute, drug and alcohol abuse varies in King County. Consider some facts from the report:

  • Heroin treatment admissions doubled in King County over the past seven years.
  • In 2017, over 3,400 individuals in King County were admitted for treatment due to heroin use.
  • Ninety-four persons died as the result of pharmaceutical opioid use in 2017.
  • Deaths from methamphetamine use increased dramatically in the county to 136 in 2017, up substantially from 2011 when there were just 22 fatalities.

Leaving Kenmore, Washington For Treatment

Since there are limited options for addiction treatment within Kenmore itself, some residents attend rehab programs in nearby communities. However, residents may also decide to travel even further. To learn more about how to find treatment in other places, contact

University of Washington: Alcohol and Drug Abuse Institute -

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