Addiction and Treatment Statistics for Everett, Washington

Everett, Washington residents struggling with drug or alcohol addiction have both inpatient and outpatient rehab centers available in the city.

Alcohol And Drug Rehab Centers In Everett, Washington

Individuals in Everett can choose from residential treatment programs offering detox and other services, as well as outpatient clinics that are best for those with strong support systems.

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Substance Abuse In Everett & Snohomish County, Washington

Opioid abuse and other forms of substance abuse have been a problem in Snohomish County, especially over the past few years. Facts related to drug use in the region include:

  • Snohomish County had a total of 383 fatal drug overdoses from 2014 to 2016.
  • In 2017, there was a rate of 60.9 opioid prescription per 100 individuals in the county.
  • Snohomish County had a total of 134 fatal drug overdoses in 2017, mostly from prescription opioids, heroin, methamphetamine, and fentanyl.
  • In 2018, there were 131 fatal drug overdoses in Snohomish County.

Leaving Everett, Washington For Treatment

While there a numerous options for addiction treatment in Everett, not everyone enters a rehab program in their hometown. Those open to traveling for treatment will find a greater variety of treatment programs and rehab centers.

For help finding and selecting a rehab center that works well for the person in need, contact today and speak with a treatment specialist.

amFAR -

County Health Rankings -

Washington State Department of Health -

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