Addiction and Treatment Statistics for Cathlamet, Washington

Cathlamet offers limited drug and alcohol treatment options for residents. However, individuals and families can find more rehab programs close to Cathlamet, including several in Longview.

Alcohol And Drug Rehab Centers In Cathlamet, Washington

Cathlamet offers one outpatient drug and alcohol rehab center within its borders.

Alcohol And Drug Rehab Centers Near Cathlamet, Washington

Due to Cathlamet’s location along the Columbia River, residents may have to travel over 25 miles by car to reach additional rehab centers in Longview, Castle Rock, or Kelso.

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Substance Abuse In Cathlamet & Wahkiakum County, Washington

Wahkiakum County has had problems with drug abuse and overdoses, although at a much lower rate compared to other counties in Washington. Take a look at some facts:

  • Wahkiakum County had a total of one alcohol-impaired driving death between 2012 and 2016.
  • The written opioid prescription rate in Wahkiakum County is 5.8 percent per 100 individuals.
  • In 2017, Wahkiakum County had one drug overdose fatality, which involved heroin.
  • Wahkiakum County had two drug overdose fatalities in 2018, with one involving prescription opioids.

While comparing treatment options for addiction, consider looking outside of Cathlamet. For assistance from a treatment specialist, please contact today.

amFAR -

County Health Rankings -

Washington State Department of Health -

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