Addiction and Treatment Statistics for Bonney Lake, Washington

Bonney Lake, Washington and nearby cities provide residents with outpatient and inpatient drug and alcohol rehab center options.

Alcohol And Drug Rehab Centers In Bonney Lake, Washington

Suitable for people with support at home, Bonney Lake features at least one outpatient addiction treatment center.

Alcohol And Drug Rehab Centers Near Bonney Lake, Washington

Individuals and families searching for residential care for a more serious substance use disorder can find treatment located within 15 miles of Bonney Lake in Sumner and Tacoma.

At a treatment center, adults can recover in a comfortable place that provides them with support and safe recreational activities for managing stress, such as journaling. Inpatient programs are based on an individual’s needs and include individual, group, and art therapy.

Those who need help through the withdrawal phase have access to medical detoxification services at rehab as well.

Substance Abuse In Bonney Lake & Pierce County, Washington

Fentanyl, methamphetamine, and other substances have been a problem in Pierce County, especially over the past few years. Facts regarding drug-use in this area include:

  • Pierce County had a total of 419 fatal overdoses from 2014 through 2016.
  • Pierce County had 160 drug overdose deaths in 2017. This included 39 heroin overdoses, 64 prescription opioid overdoses, 16 fentanyl overdoses, and 48 methamphetamine overdoses.
  • In 2018, Pierce County had a total of 61 drug overdose deaths. These deaths included 14 from heroin, 24 from prescription opioids, six from fentanyl, and 20 from methamphetamine.

To receive help and guidance finding treatment centers outside of Bonney Lake, contact Treatment specialists can help families find appropriate programs throughout the United States.

amFAR -

County Health Rankings -

Washington State Department of Health -

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