Addiction and Treatment Statistics for Battle Ground, Washington

Residents living in Battle Ground, Washington have rehab center options available in the city, as well as in surrounding areas.

Alcohol And Drug Rehab Centers In Battle Ground, Washington

In Battle Ground, there is at least one outpatient addiction treatment center.

Alcohol And Drug Rehab Centers Near Battle Ground, Washington

There are inpatient and outpatient rehab centers located within ten miles of Battle Ground in Ridgefield and Vancouver, Washington.

Patients with a severe addiction can go to residential care in a safe environment. Those in an inpatient program receive counseling and have access to recreational and wellness activities, such as yoga and board games.

Other rehab programs offered include partial hospitalization, outpatient, and medically assisted detox. Aftercare and treatment for co-occurring disorders are available as well.

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Medication-assisted treatment involves the use of methadone, Subutex, or other medications to control cravings. Patients go through individual and group therapy sessions as part of the rehab process as well.

Substance Abuse In Battle Ground & Clark County, Washington

Clark County has experienced serious problems with substance abuse, including methamphetamine and opioids, in recent years. Some facts include:

  • There were 185 drug overdose deaths in Clark County from 2014 to 2016.
  • Clark County had a total of 80 drug overdose deaths in 2017. Out of these deaths, 11 were due to heroin, 27 were due to prescription opioids, four were due to fentanyl, and 27 were due to methamphetamine.
  • In 2018, Clark County had a total of 26 drug overdose deaths. Out of these fatalities, five involved heroin, nine involved prescription opioids, three involved fentanyl, and seven involved methamphetamine.

When you need to find addiction treatment centers, searching outside Battle Ground can feel overwhelming. Contact a treatment specialist at for help tracking down the most appropriate rehab center for you or your loved one.

amFAR -

County Health Rankings -

Washington State Department of Health -

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