Addiction and Treatment Statistics for Staunton, Virginia

For local residents who are looking for addiction treatment centers in or near Staunton, the city’s location offers plenty of choices.

Alcohol And Drug Rehab Centers In Staunton, Virginia

There are at least two outpatient drug and alcohol rehab centers available in Staunton.

Alcohol And Drug Rehab Centers Near Staunton, Virginia

Residential services are available within 45 miles of Staunton in Amherst, while outpatient services can be found even closer in Charlottesville.

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Inpatient programs include group and individual therapy, family therapy, dialectical behavioral therapy, art therapy, relapse prevention strategies, and recreational activities. Medical stabilization and intensive outpatient services may also be offered.

Substance Abuse In Staunton, Virginia

Prescription opioid overuse and the use of fentanyl and other opioids has been an ongoing problem in Staunton. Drug-use facts from the city include:

  • Staunton had a total of 15 drug overdose fatalities from 2014 to 2016.
  • Between 2015 and 2016, Staunton saw three overdose deaths from prescription opioids.
  • From 2015 through 2017, Staunton had a total of five overdose fatalities involving fentanyl or heroin, with three of these occurring in 2017 alone.
  • In 2017, Staunton had an opioid prescription rate of 144.9 per 100 residents, which is one of the higher rates in Virginia.

Addiction Treatment Outside Of Staunton, Virginia

When individuals in Staunton are searching for a rehab center, it’s important to consider looking beyond the city. Treatment located in other cities and towns sometimes end up offering a more effective rehab program, depending on a patient’s recovery needs.

To get more information on drug and alcohol rehab centers outside of Staunton, contact and connect with a treatment specialist.

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County Health Rankings -

Virginia Department of Health -

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