Addiction and Treatment Statistics for Ruther Glen, Virginia

Ruther Glen is conveniently close to Richmond and other cities and towns in Virginia for those who need to find addiction treatment centers. Residents also have access to one rehab program in Ruther Glen itself.

Alcohol And Drug Rehab Centers In Ruther Glen, Virginia

Ruther Glen is home to at least one outpatient drug and alcohol rehab center.

Alcohol And Drug Rehab Centers Near Ruther Glen, Virginia

Individuals and families have residential, outpatient, and other services available within 20 miles of Ruther Glen in Glen Allen, Richmond, Hanover, and Henrico.

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Substance Abuse In Ruther Glen & Caroline County

Opioid overdoses have been a problem in Caroline County, especially over the last few years.
Substance abuse facts from this area include:

  • Caroline County had 17 drug overdose fatalities between 2014 and 2016.
  • In 2016, Caroline County had four deaths due to fentanyl or heroin overdoses, and five deaths from prescription opioid overdoses.
  • Caroline County had four fatal overdoses involving heroin or fentanyl in 2017.
  • In 2017, Caroline County had a rate of 32 opioid prescriptions per 100 individuals.

For help finding drug and alcohol rehab centers in the Ruther Glen area, other regions of Virginia, or the surrounding states, please contact today.

amFAR -

County Health Rankings -

Virginia Department of Health -

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