Addiction and Treatment Statistics for Reston, Virginia

With limited options for addiction treatment in Reston, Virginia, consider rehab centers located in the surrounding communities.

Alcohol And Drug Rehab Centers In Reston, Virginia

There is at least one drug and alcohol rehab center located in Reston.

Alcohol And Drug Rehab Centers Near Reston, Virginia

If the one treatment program in Reston isn’t right for the individual, take a look at rehab centers in nearby communities like Great Falls, Arlington, and Cabin John and Rockville, Maryland.

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Substance Abuse In Reston, Virginia & Fairfax County

Prescription drug and heroin abuse continue to be one a significant concern in the county. Drug-use facts for Reston and Fairfax County include:

  • Fairfax saw a spike in drug overdoses from 2012 to 2014. In 2012, there were 34 reported overdoses with six fatalities. By 2014, that number rose to 66 overdoses and 17 deaths.
  • The county reported a 22 percent increase in prescription drug and heroin abuse from 2011 to 2014.
  • Fairfax County began a strategic program to reduce the risk of drug abuse that included education, awareness building, prescription drug monitoring, and treatment.

Addiction Treatment Outside Of Reston, Virginia

Although this area of Virginia has options for both residential and outpatient care, it focuses mostly on opioid abuse. Families looking for other types of treatment may need to consider searching for other areas for a rehab program suited to their specific needs.

For more information about finding treatment in Virginia or other states, contact today.

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