Addiction and Treatment Statistics for Radford, Virginia

Radford is a part of the southwest region of Virginia, which is experiencing an epidemic of prescription drug abuse.

Residents in need of treatment for addiction will find local rehab centers available in Radford and other nearby communities.

Alcohol And Drug Rehab Centers In Radford, Virginia

Radford has at least one residential drug and alcohol rehab center within the city itself.

Alcohol And Drug Rehab Centers Near Radford, Virginia

Although Radford has just one treatment option, there are plenty of additional rehab centers in surrounding communities like Pulaski, Salem, and Roanoke.

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Substance Abuse In Radford, Virginia

Radford is located in a region that struggles with substance abuse. Drug-use facts from this part of Virginia include:

  • The combination of heroin and fentanyl is a leading cause of drug-related deaths.
  • Alcohol is the most abused drug throughout Virginia, which has a slightly higher rate of abuse than the national average.
  • In southwest Virginia, 22 percent of the population admits to binge drinking.

For more information about how to find addiction treatment in Virginia or the surrounding states, contact today and connect with a treatment specialist.

Commonwealth of Virginia -

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