Addiction and Treatment Statistics for Palmyra, Virginia

Palmyra, Virginia isn’t far from Charlottesville and other cities, which gives residents plenty of areas to check for alcohol and drug rehab centers. Residents of Palmyra should prepare to travel for addiction treatment because there are limited resources available in the community.

Alcohol And Drug Rehab Centers In Palmyra, Virginia

Individuals in Palmyra have access to at least one local drug and alcohol rehab center.

Outpatient programs include motivational interviewing, integrated dual diagnosis treatment, cognitive behavioral therapy, and other services aimed at educating patients about addiction. Group and individual therapy sessions are also part of most treatment programs.

Alcohol And Drug Rehab Centers Near Palmyra, Virginia

Residents in Palmyra can find residential and outpatient addiction rehab services within 45 miles of Palmyra in Charlottesville and Culpeper, Virginia.

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Substance Abuse In Palmyra & Fluvanna County

Fluvanna County has had a few problems with alcohol abuse and opioid overdoses over the past few years. Take a look at a few substance abuse facts from the county:

  • Fluvanna County had nine alcohol-impaired driving deaths from 2012 through 2016, out of a total of 18 driving fatalities overall.
  • In 2016, Fluvanna County had one fatal overdose linked to prescription opioids.
  • In 2017, Fluvanna County’s rate of opioid prescriptions was 27 per 100 people.

How To Find Addiction Treatment Outside Of Palmyra, Virginia

When adults living in Palmyra need to undergo addiction treatment, it’s a good idea to check several options in other towns, cities, and states. While going through alcohol and drug rehab in town is a convenient option, there might be a more suitable program located in a different area.

To get help finding drug and alcohol rehab centers outside of Palmyra, contact Addiction treatment specialists are standing by to help with the search.

amFAR -

County Health Rankings -

Virginia Department of Health -

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