Addiction and Treatment Statistics for Hanover, Virginia

Hanover is centrally located in Virginia, where there are several options for addiction treatment. Residents wishing to stay within Hanover for drug and alcohol rehabilitation will find one inpatient facility.

Alcohol And Drug Rehab Centers In Hanover, Virginia

Currently, there is at least one residential drug and alcohol rehab center located in Hanover, Virginia.

Alcohol And Drug Rehab Centers Near Hanover, Virginia

Several communities close to Hanover, including Henrico, Mechanicsville, and Glen Allen, also offer access to substance abuse treatment services.

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Substance Abuse In Hanover & Hanover County

The Virginia Department of Health maintains substance abuse statistics for all localities within the state, including Hanover. Consider some drug-related facts:

  • In 2017, fentanyl and/or heroin use resulted in the deaths of 15 individuals.
  • That same year, four people died as the result of prescription drug overdose.
  • Those between the ages of 25 and 34 were the most heavily affected by drug overdose deaths.

How To Find Addiction Treatment Outside Of Hanover, Virginia

It’s crucial to the life of a loved one who is struggling with substance abuse to look outside Hanover’s borders in an effort to find the best program.

To find treatment, enlist in the compassionate and professional services of a treatment specialist by contacting today.

Virginia Department of Health -

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