Addiction and Treatment Statistics for Covington, Virginia

Covington, Virginia is an independent city with a very small population. In fact, at the time of the 2010 census, Covington was the third least-populous city in the state. Although Covington is considered an independent city, it is also the county seat of Allegheny County.

People in Covington can find addiction treatment in this city and in the surrounding area.

Drug And Alcohol Rehab Centers In Covington, Virginia

At this time, there is only one addiction treatment center available in Covington, Virginia.

Drug And Alcohol Rehab Centers Near Covington, Virginia

Because there is only one treatment center available within the boundaries of Covington, many people choose to travel to Hot Springs, Roanoke, and Maxwelton, West Virginia to explore additional treatment options.

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Substance Abuse In Covington & Alleghany County

Throughout the state of Virginia, all counties are experiencing a fair amount of trouble with addiction. According to the Virginia Department of Health, Alleghany County has one of the highest rates of drug overdose, with 32.1 deaths per 100,000 residents annually.

How To Find Addiction Treatment

If you are struggling with a substance use disorder, professional addiction treatment can help you overcome the disorder and live a better life. However, not all addiction treatment programs are created equal.

An area like Covington offers few rehab centers, so you may need to travel to another location to find the treatment you need.

To learn more about how to find the various rehab centers available in Virginia or other states, please contact today.

Virginia Department of Health -

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