Top 5 Drug Rehab Centers In Grand Prairie, Texas


Substance Abuse In Grand Prairie & Dallas/Tarrant/Ellis Counties, Texas

All three counties associated with Grand Prairie have experienced issues related to substance abuse in recent years. Some facts from this region include:

  • Between 2015 and 2017, Dallas County had 947 drug overdose deaths, Tarrant County recorded 597 deaths, and Ellis
  • County reported 48 drug overdose deaths.
  • From 2013 to 2017, Dallas County had 489 alcohol-impaired driving deaths, and Tarrant County reported 193.

Leaving Grand Prairie, Texas For Treatment

Grand Prairie features options for addiction treatment, and so do the surrounding cities. However, consider escaping the city to focus on recovery in the quiet Texas countryside. For help selecting a treatment center, contact today.

County Health Rankings -

County Health Rankings -

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