Drug Rehab Centers in Cranston, Rhode Island

Substance Abuse In Cranston & Providence County, Rhode Island

According to the Rhode Island Department of Health’s drug overdose database, drug overdose deaths due to fentanyl have increased 15 times since 2009. Other regional facts include:

  • Fentanyl was implicated in 27 deaths in the state in May, 2018 alone.
  • 297 people died of drug overdoses in Rhode Island in 2018.
  • Three out of four Rhode Island residents who died of a drug overdose are men.
  • One out of five middle school students have tried alcohol.

Leaving Cranston, Rhode Island For Treatment

There are a wealth of treatment opportunities available in Cranston and nearby Providence. To learn more about how to find the appropriate rehab center for the person in need, contact RehabCenter.net and touch base with a treatment specialist today.

Rhode Island Department of Health - http://www.health.ri.gov/data/drugoverdoses/

National Institute on Drug Abuse Rhode Island - https://www.drugabuse.gov/drugs-abuse/opioids/opioid-summaries-by-state/rhode-island-opioid-summary

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