4 Drug Rehab Centers Near West Union, Ohio

Despite the small town feel promoted in the 200-year-old village of West Union, many people here struggle with substance abuse. Individuals who want to take the first steps towards recovery need to take the time to find a rehab that will fit well with them and their needs. Here are the two rehab center in West Union, Ohio and two rehab centers close by that may be of assistance.

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Substance Abuse in West Union and Adams County, Ohio

Substance abuse continues to be a problem for people throughout West Union and the rest of Adams County. The continued presence of the disease speaks to the importance of high-quality rehabs for people throughout the region.

  • The doses of opioids prescribed per person in the county were higher between 2011 and 2014 than the average for the state of Ohio.
  • Over 18 percent of people in the county admitted to binge drinking within the past month, which is higher than the national average.
  • 5.5 percent of all crashes in Adams County were related to alcohol in Adams County, but only 4 percent were related to alcohol for the rest of the state.

Find out more about how to choose the right rehab center for you by contacting an addiction specialist at RehabCenter.net today.

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