5 Drug Rehab Centers Near Winterville, North Carolina

Winterville, North Carolina has limited options for addiction treatment, but additional rehab centers can be found in nearby communities like Greenville.

Substance Abuse In Winterville & Pitt County, North Carolina

Pitt County and Winterville have seen a rise in drug-related overdose deaths. Drug-use facts from this region include:

  • Drug use in Pitt County most often includes heroin and prescription drugs, according to local authorities.
  • From 2005 to 2015, Pitt County saw opioid overdoses increase. In 2005, the county reported eight overdose deaths. That number increased to 12 in 2015.

Leaving Winterville, North Carolina For Treatment

If residents are willing to leave Winterville and the surrounding communities for treatment, they will find a wide-variety of rehab programs available. For help finding the best treatment center for the person with addiction, reach out to RehabCenter.net today.

NC Governor Roy Cooper - https://governor.nc.gov/news/county-county-figures-opioid-crisis-north-carolina

WNCT - https://www.wnct.com/news/drug-overdose-on-the-rise-in-pitt-county/1091575990

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