Drug Rehab Centers in Las Vegas, Nevada

Given its reputation for gambling, entertainment, and nightlife, it is not surprising that Las Vegas sees high rates of alcohol and drug abuse. Residents of Las Vegas and the greater Mojave Desert area have access to many rehab centers. Fitting the general atmosphere of Las Vegas, many rehab centers offer resort-style residential treatment.

Rehab Centers In Las Vegas, Nevada

Dozens of rehab centers in Las Vegas offer treatment for alcohol and drug addiction. With many treatment modality options, every person is sure to find a treatment facility that matches his or her needs.

Substance Abuse In Las Vegas And Clark County

As the most heavily populated county in Nevada, Clark County, where Las Vegas is the county seat, sees the highest rates of substance abuse.

  • Opioid painkillers are prescribed at a rate of 84.2 out of 100 in Clark County. This is slightly lower than the state average.
  • In 2016, Clark County had the highest rate of opioid overdose deaths. Per 100,000 residents, 271 passed away from a fatal overdose.
  • From 2014 to 2016, EMS reported administering naloxone on 1,089 of their calls as a life-saving measure.
  • Nearly two percent of women in Clark County self-report using opioids during a pregnancy.
  • Clark County is one of only three counties in Nevada to offer opioid treatment programs. However, none of the clinics in the program currently treat at maximum capacity.

With several options available for treatment, it can be difficult to decide which rehab center best meets your needs.

For more information on choosing the best rehab program for you, contact a treatment specialist with RehabCenter.net.

Nevada Department of Health and Human Services - http://gethealthycarsoncity.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/CCHHS-CHIP-Update-FINAL-12.2014.pdf

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