Drug Rehab Centers in Carson City, Nevada

Carson City, the capital of Nevada, is no stranger to the effects of drug addiction that is plaguing this nation. Many residents of this city suffer from addiction but don’t know where to turn. Fortunately, there are many rehab centers in Carson City and nearby cities that offer treatment for individuals seeking long-term recovery.

Substance Abuse In Carson City

Carson City, an independent city in Nevada, sees high rates of alcohol and drug use. Many students in Carson City schools express concerns that alcohol and drug use negatively affect their school.

  • 75 percent of high school students in Carson City report that they have had a drink at least once.
  • 54 percent of these students fear that illicit drug use is negatively impacting their school.
  • The mortality rate in Carson City of those impacted by chronic liver cirrhosis is 18.4 deaths out of 100,000, which is nearly twice the average rate in the state of Nevada as a whole.
  • In Carson City, 80.7 opioid prescriptions were written for every 100 people. This is nearly twice the number seen in neighboring cities.

For more information on finding a rehab center in Carson City or the surrounding area, reach out to a treatment specialist at RehabCenter.net.

Carson City Health and Human Services - http://gethealthycarsoncity.org/opioid-abuse/

Carson City Health and Human Services - http://gethealthycarsoncity.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/CCHHS-CHIP-Update-FINAL-12.2014.pdf

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