Falls City, Nebraska Alcohol And Drug Rehab Centers

Substance Abuse In Falls City And Richardson County

Richardson County, where Falls City is the county seat, is a fairly small county with higher rates of substance abuse than the state average.

  • In a 2018 county needs assessment, Richardson County had 18 overdose deaths, which is nearly three times the average for the state of Nebraska.
  • There is only one rehab center in Richardson County with licensed substance abuse counselors on staff.
  • Nearly four percent of residents in Richardson County self-reported using painkillers for nonmedical purposes.
  • Over two percent of the total population 12 years and older stated that they are experiencing drug dependence.
  • Over 90 percent of the individuals who self-reported drug dependence do not have access to the addiction treatment that they need.

For seeking help with addiction, it can be difficult to know where to go for treatment when there are few rehab centers nearby. Traveling for an addiction treatment program may provide a person with the opportunity to find the best rehab program for them.

If you have any questions or concerns about finding a program that will empower you to achieve lasting recovery, please reach out to a treatment specialist with RehabCenter.net.

*Rehab centers mentioned in this article are not affiliated with RehabCenter.net

The Foundation for AIDS Research - https://opioid.amfar.org/NE

Community Medical Center - http://www.cmcfc.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/CMC-Community-Health-Needs-Assessment-2018.pdf

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