5 Drug Rehab Centers Near Wadena, Minnesota


Substance Abuse In Wadena & Wadena/Otter Trail Counties, Minnesota

Wadena is situated in two counties: Otter Trail and Wadena. Drug use facts from this region of Minnesota include:

  • Factors that drive the drug crisis in Wadena County are an aging population, poverty, and unemployment.
  • From 2014 to 2017, Wadena County has reduced the number of opioid prescriptions by 17 percent.
  • Wadena County has a high rate of opioid prescriptions, but a low overdose rate. There were just five overdoses in a six-year period.

Leaving Wadena, Minnesota For Treatment

Wadena has two comprehensive treatment options located in the community, and even more rehab services in the surrounding communities. However, it’s also an option to look for treatment in other locations. To learn how a treatment specialist can help, contact RehabCenter.net today.

CBS Minnesota - https://minnesota.cbslocal.com/2018/07/06/wadena-co-opioids/

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