5 Drug Rehab Centers Near Wabasha, Minnesota

Substance Abuse In Wabasha & Wabasha County, Minnesota

While there is evidence of addiction concerns in Wabasha and Wabasha County, this region is less involved in the opioid crisis. Drug-use facts for Wabasha and Wabasha County include:

  • From 2000 to 2015, Wabasha County saw eight opioid overdose deaths. They all involved prescription medications, as opposed to illicit drugs like heroin.
  • The county reports a rising rate of smoking among young people and drinking among the senior community.

To receive assistance searching for appropriate drug and alcohol rehab centers, connect with a treatment specialist by contacting RehabCenter.net today.

Minnesota Department of Health - https://www.health.state.mn.us/communities/practice/assessplan/lph/2014cycle/docs/wabasha_chip_rsz.pdf

Substance Use in Minnesota - http://sumn.org/~/media/517/WABASHA_COUNTY_2017_SUMN_Fact_Sheet.pdf

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