5 Drug Rehab Centers Near Crystal, Minnesota

Substance Abuse In Crystal & Hennepin County, Minnesota

Crystal and Hennepin County are struggling under the burden of the opioid crisis. Drug-use facts from Crystal and Hennepin County include:

  • Since the year 2000, opioid deaths have more than tripled in Hennepin County. In 2000, the country reported under 50 deaths. By 2016, that number had risen to 157.
  • Twenty-two percent of drug-related deaths are teens over the age of 15.
  • Opioid deaths are higher among white people in this region of Minnesota.
  • In response to this crisis, Hennepin is increasing addiction education and improving access to treatment opportunities.

Leaving Crystal, Minnesota For Treatment

If the treatment options in Crystal and the surrounding communities aren’t the right fit, consider expanding the search. For help narrowing down the choices for effective rehab programs in Minnesota or other states, contact RehabCenter.net today.

Hennepin County - https://www.hennepin.us/your-government/projects-initiatives/opioid-response

Hennepin County - https://www.hennepin.us/-/media/hennepinus/your-government/leadership/documents/cjcc-opioid-report-jul-2018.pdf?la=en

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