4 Drug Rehab Centers in Petoskey, Michigan

Petoskey, Michigan is located on Lake Michigan’s Little Traverse Bay near the Bear River’s mouth. As of a 2017 population estimate, 5,724 people called the city home, and some struggle with addiction. For help and support, local rehab centers can be found in and near Petoskey.

Rehab Centers In Petoskey, Michigan

Residents of Petoskey, Michigan have access to at least two drug and alcohol rehab centers.

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Substance Abuse In Petoskey & Emmet County

Data obtained from the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services indicate that while the state continues to grapple with a substance abuse epidemic that took the lives of 2,662 residents in 2017, Emmet County is fairing relatively well. Consider:

  • In 2005, there were seven overdose deaths.
  • By 2010, that number had dropped to four deaths.
  • In 2016, two people lost their lives due to overdose.

How To Find Addiction Treatment

Even though Petoskey, Michigan is doing a good job of providing substance abuse programs to its residents, these still might not be a good fit for everyone. With limited options available, programs may be overbooked or too specialized for every person in need.

For help finding addiction treatment, talk to a treatment specialist at RehabCenter.net and learn which programs are best for you or your loved one.

MLive - https://www.mlive.com/news/index.ssf/2018/08/look_up_the_number_of_drug_ove.html

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