4 Drug Rehab Centers in Manistee, Michigan

Located on Lake Michigan at the Manistee River, Manistee is home to approximately 6,100 people. In addition to being home to a Morton Salt factory, Manistee is also home to a variety of rehab centers to provide residents with options for addiction treatment.

Rehab Centers In Manistee, Michigan

Though the city of Manistee is small, it provides at least two drug and alcohol rehab centers.

Rehab Centers Near Manistee, Michigan

Manistee is over an hour away from Traverse City and over a half hour away from Ludington, where there are additional rehab centers available.

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Substance Abuse In Manistee & Manistee County

Although Manistee is a small community, residents continue to struggle with addiction. According to data provided by amfAR, the following statistics regarding substance use and abuse in Manistee County are true:

  • As of 2014, nearly four percent of those people aged 12 years and older reported that they used pain relievers for non-medical purposes.
  • For that same age group, more than two percent of the population identified as having a dependency on drugs.
  • As of 2019, there was one provider who was licensed to administer buprenorphine.
  • One facility was identified as providing some type of medication-assisted treatment.

How To Find Addiction Treatment

For the families and friends of those people who have a substance abuse problem, their main concern is finding the best rehab program for their loved one. This could mean traveling outside the Manistee city limits because options are limited.

A treatment specialist can help narrow down the available options. Contact RehabCenter.net today to speak with our compassionate team.

amFAR - https://opioid.amfar.org/MI

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