7 Drug Rehab Centers in L’Anse, Michigan

L’Anse, Michigan is a small village in Baraga County with about 2,000 residents. It is located within the L’Anse Indian Reservation, which is part of the Keweenaw Bay Indian Community.

L’Anse has addiction treatment centers that provide care and support for residents. Additional rehab centers can be found in other communities across the Upper Peninsula and Wisconsin.

Rehab Centers In L’Anse, Michigan

L’Anse is the seat of Baraga County and has two drug and alcohol rehab centers within community limits.

Rehab Centers Near L’Anse, Michigan

L’Anse residents will need to travel for services outside of the community if they desire medication-assisted treatment and other types of outpatient and residential treatment.

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Substance Abuse In L’Anse & Baraga County

Michigan’s report on opioid overdose deaths and prescriptions offered some good news for residents of Baraga County and L’Anse: no people died from opioid overdoses between 2009 and 2012.

However, a 2015 Baraga County report found that 14.7% of Baraga County men and 8.4% of women engaged in heavy drinking between 2012 and 2014.

How To Find Addiction Treatment

Michigan’s Upper Peninsula is a rural region with towns located far apart. Residents may need to travel 50 miles or farther for residential treatment.

To find available programs that suit individual needs, speak with an addiction treatment specialist. Learn more about the programs and services that are right for your recovery by contacting RehabCenter.net.

Michigan Department of Community Health - https://www.michigan.gov/documents/mdch/MAPS_Report_2014_-_FINAL_464112_7.pdf

Baraga County - http://www.healthdata.org/sites/default/files/files/county_profiles/US/2015/County_Report_Baraga_County_Michigan.pdf

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