4 Drug Rehab Centers Near Chelsea, Michigan

As of 2017, around 5,210 residents call Chelsea, Michigan home. The city is located in Washtenaw County. For residents fighting substance abuse or addiction, there are limited treatment options in Chelsea itself. However, multiple treatment opportunities exist just outside the city.

Substance Abuse In Chelsea & Washtenaw County

The Washtenaw County Health Department offers statistics that make the widespread nature of substance abuse in the area a concern. These facts tell just a portion of the story:

  • Unlike some other areas of the country, overdose deaths in Washtenaw County continue to rise.
  • In 2018 (through November), 75 individuals died of an unintentional overdose.
  • That number was 68 for the entire year of 2017.
  • In May 2018, there were 32 emergency room admissions for unintentional opioid overdoses.

How To Find Addiction Treatment

Because of its convenient location to several other larger cities, residents of Chelsea, Michigan don’t have to travel for hours to obtain high-quality treatment for a substance use disorder. Partnering with a treatment specialist can help families and friends find the best program for their loved one.

Washtenaw County - https://www.washtenaw.org/1921/Opioid-Data

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