2 Alcohol and Drug Rehab Centers in Woburn, Massachusetts

Located just nine miles from Boston, the city of Woburn is rich in history and heritage. Today, it is home to over 38,000 people and serves as an important suburb in the greater Boston metro area. Many of those who call Woburn home find themselves struggling with addiction, but thankfully there are treatment facilities both in and around the city that can help.

Substance Abuse In Woburn & Middlesex County

Individuals who live in Woburn often find themselves struggling with drug or alcohol addiction, and statistics show they are not alone. Here are some important numbers that indicate the serious nature of the addiction problem in this area:

  • In 2014, 401 people in Woburn sought treatment for addiction. Of those, the majority, 62.8 percent, were admitted for heroin addiction.
  • Alcohol addiction accounted for 24.7 percent of admissions.
  • Marijuana was responsible for 4.7 percent of Woburn admissions.
  • Other opioids made up 5.7 percent of admissions in Woburn.

Traveling For The Best Program

To find the right treatment program, families affected by addiction must consider not only geographic location but also the unique needs of the addicted individual. Sometimes traveling away from Woburn and into another community is the best option. Reach out to RehabCenter.net today to find the best potential treatment in Massachusetts.

Massachusetts.gov - https://www.mass.gov/lists/substance-abuse-treatment-admissions-statistics#geographic-based-admissions-statistics-

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